COVID-19 Updates
Body in Practice Rolfing is staying up-to-date with the evolving information on the novel coronavirus.
As information changes, I will respond to policies and procedures accordingly.
This page highlights the best-practice protocols to keep both practitioner and client safe.
At this time I am only seeing fully vaccinated clients.
Precautions I am taking:
Getting vaccinated! I have been fully vaccinated since March 30, 2021.
Limiting my exposure to those within my quarantine bubble, and my activities generally.
Maintaining 6′ distance, wearing a mask and washing hands frequently when in public.
Daily monitoring of my temperature as well as self-screening for COVID-19 symptoms.
During our sessions:​
I will wear a new KN95 mask during each appointment. I also wear a face shield when working close to the face.
Client wears a mask the whole time. If you do not have a mask, or the mask you are wearing is ill-fitting, I will provide one for you.
Clients have sanitized bins to store their shoes and bag or clothing during the session.
All new coverings have been purchased for the massage table, all pillows and the rolling stool that can be easily sanitized between appointments.
Windows will be open during the session to help ventilate the room
After each client leaves, all high-touch surfaces will be sanitized, including the massage table, the chair, door knobs, intake equipment and bins.
Between each session, the treatment room and intake area are aired out for a minimum of 30 minutes.
Intake + Pre-Session Screening​
One day prior to the appointment, clients will receive a text with health screening questions. If anything raises a red flag, we will cancel the appointment.
Hand sanitizer is available in the entryway. Every single client washes hands in the bathroom before entering the intake area.
Client’s temperature is taken before the session.
If clients choose to be barefoot, feet are sanitized before walking through the space.